To make progress quickly in the game, you'll need to be able to source VC continuously, and while getting VC does not require any special abilities or planning, getting it faster can be a challenge NBA 2K MT. But, there are a few steps you can take to make sure you have a steady flow VC to your account. Best ways to earn VC quickly in NBA 2K23

While buying VC using real money is the simplest and easy way to acquire VC, it is generally not recommended. Instead, consider the methods that are free to play as described below.Playing MyCareeris the best way to earn VC within the game. Playing regularly on MyCareer will earn you an impressive amount of VC and can be the primary method of earning VC. Also, the greater the difficulty of MyCareer, more VC you'll earn.

Playing Now online matches- Each game you play during Play Now's Play Now online match will provide you with 400 VC, and if you are able to win you'll earn bonus VC.NBA 2KTV- Simply answering trivia questions in NBA2KTV can earn you VC.

Although the amount you get might not be significant, it's still a good way to earn VC while testing your Basketball knowledge.Claiming Daily Rewards- Although not guaranteed, there is possibility that you will earn VC through Daily Rewards Buy NBA 2K23 MT. There are also Daily Minigames called Pick 'Em in the city, which could earn you VC if you win.