So, without further delay I'm going to make a short video about the anger of Lich King's abilities for Warriors. With the betas now out, I've been just hoping to get into the game first. Second most importantly, I've been brushing up my knowledge or revising my knowledge of the warrior's class, as it was featured in Wrath of Lich King.

So today, I plan to do a multi-part series that I'll begin in the next couple of days here I will be posting another video talking regarding Phase One, the Phase One pre raid this for both allies and Horde.

And , yeah, just kind of talking about it. But for the moment I just wanted to only perform talents to discuss some talents to talk about some of the changes in the talent and to WoW Classic SoD Gold see where the warriors are today.

So that wasting much more time, let's just get to it. First of all, obviously, five out of five cruelty nothing's really changed in that regard. Now we can choose to wear armor for the teeth.

It's basically an unpaid AP for the armor that we're wearing. Additionally, agility can provide some benefit to this skill because it can gain benefits from this talent because in every 18 agility it's one attack power. It's gorgeous. It's free AP and I'm going to"take it to the extreme" which I'd say it's less similar DPS to.

When you've earned enough points to unlock the third row, you'll be aware of how to command the presence of others. We use it all the time before this ability or battle shout won't be able to stack with blessings to a tad.

Therefore, if you're writing with an active rep Paladin You may not have to consider this, because the rep out in Smite is going to be superior to buy WoW SoD Gold your battle cry. Therefore, I'm going with the assumption that your raid has a ret Paladin.

So , in this scenario, we're going to go one point into piercing what and then 4 points in demo to unlock an additional row. We're going to pick up the five-out-of-five Dual Wield specialization, especially because we'll go for Titans grips that deal 25% damage with two hands and your offense is going to be nice.